Thursday, September 29, 2011

Record Club #5: Manic Street Preachers

Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible (1994)

The fifth discussion for the Record Club takes place today, and it is hosted by Jamie Uhler at the multi-author blog Wonders in the Dark. Jamie has picked the album The Holy Bible by the Manic Street Preachers, and he has written a fine introductory post as part of his long-running series "Getting People Over the Beatles." Now it's time to join the conversation in the comment section. I hope to see you there!


  1. Well, easily one of my favorite records. I put my opinion over there.

  2. I just love reading - "Only the Cinema" followed by a Record Club review. "All rebellion is ultimately against oneself." - Lao Tzu Motors

    P.S. MSP RULzE!

  3. I bought this at Jamie's behest and liked it at first listen though I'm still waiting for the opportunity to collect my thoughts and jump in at some point! Hopefully the discussion continues into the week...

  4. Thanks for reading, guys. I'm sure the discussion will continue over at Jamie's post, so feel free to jump in over there at any time.
