Jason Bellamy, friend of this blog and my correspondant for The Conversations, is running an exciting event all week long over at The Cooler. From June 15 to June 19 (and possibly longer if the interest is there) Jason will be presiding over a series of discussions of the work of the influential and controversial film critic Pauline Kael. Basically, every day he'll be posting an excerpt or selected quotes from Kael's writing, and inviting discussion and commentary in the comments sections of his posts. He's also welcoming outside posts: if you have something to say about Kael at your own blog, simply send the link along to Jason and he'll post it as part of Kael Week. You can keep track of the entire event by visiting Jason's central post, which he'll be updating with both his own contributions and any links sent to him by other bloggers.
Jason has already posted the first contribution to the blog-a-thon, a discussion of violence in cinema centering around Kael's review of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. Keep checking back at The Cooler all week long for much more. This promises to be an enlightening and stimulating event, so please take a look and contribute!